sexta-feira, 8 de março de 2013

the "if only I could" museum

David Walsh became a millionaire by inventing a mathematic system to gamble in horse races. Then we was bored, then he made his own museum – The Museuam of the New and theOld – MONA. To put it in simple terms, according to its founder, it’s a “perverse Disneyland” where he gets to call all the shots based on “because!”, “because I want to” and “because it’s fun”. But make no mistakes, it’s not a joke, it’s an amazing building, in a fabulous location, with beautiful and rare art pieces, very well managed by a professional team of experts. Besides the museum, there's also a restaurant, an hotel and... you can also be buried there!

I want to go there! Don’t you? 

sexta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2013

Look for the numbers!

How come brilliant Swedish health students know less of the world than chimpanzees? It’s easy: chimpanzees have no pre-conceived ideas of the world or of human beings! So… maybe we should look for the numbers to know the world better, we should look at people without our personal “filter” of what we think of “them” – and by doing so we could at least know the same as apes do!

This is a 2006 Ted Talk on Health and Economy, but if we were to do the same questions related to culture, would our answers be any different?